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10 Signs That Indicate You Need to Hire a Personal Trainer

In the pursuit of health and fitness, many individuals find themselves at a crossroads where they question whether they should hire a personal trainer. Making the decision to invest in a personal trainer is a significant step towards achieving your fitness goals, as it provides you with guidance, motivation, and expertise tailored specifically to you and your needs.


In this article, we will look into 10 signs that indicate it may be time for you to hire a personal trainer. We will also delve into the psychological aspects people often consider when contemplating this decision.


1. Lack of Knowledge and Guidance:


One of the primary reasons to hire a personal trainer is when you lack the knowledge and guidance necessary to create an effective fitness plan. Understanding proper form, exercise techniques, and program structure can be challenging for beginners. A personal trainer can provide valuable education and guidance, ensuring you perform exercises correctly and safely and create an effective program for you that you can progress.


Psychological Approach: Hiring a personal trainer in this situation signifies a desire to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to become more self-sufficient in your fitness journey. It demonstrates your willingness to learn and develop expertise.



Imagine you decided to hire a personal trainer in the past, but the service you received was subpar. The trainer lacked the energy, knowledge, failed to provide proper guidance, and didn’t address your specific needs and tailor the program bespoke to you as an individual. As a result, you felt frustrated and stagnant in your progress. This experience highlights the importance of finding a trainer who operates at the highest standards, like those here at Soma Fitness, where we consistently strive to improve our service that our clients experience.


2. Lack of Motivation:


If you find it challenging to stay motivated to exercise regularly or push yourself during workouts, hiring a personal trainer can be a game-changer. A personal trainer acts as an accountability partner, motivator, and source of encouragement. They can create personalised programs that align with your goals, keeping you engaged and enthusiastic about your fitness journey.


Psychological Approach: Seeking the assistance of a personal trainer in this scenario suggests a need for external motivation and accountability. It demonstrates your acknowledgment that you may benefit from having someone to inspire and push you beyond your comfort zone.


3. Plateauing in Progress:


Experiencing a plateau in your fitness progress is discouraging. If you find that your workouts have become stagnant, and you’re no longer seeing improvements, a personal trainer can help reignite your progress. Trainers have the expertise to introduce new exercises, adapt and adjust your training intensity, and modify your workout routine to overcome plateaus and achieve new breakthroughs.


Psychological Approach: Considering hiring a personal trainer when facing a plateau reflects your desire to break through and progress. It shows that you’re open to change, willing to explore new strategies, and committed to reaching higher levels of fitness. This stage will require some discomfort which will be extremely rewarding.


4. Specific Goals and Challenges:


Whether you’re training for a marathon, aiming to lose weight for your holiday, or rehabilitating from an injury, hiring a personal trainer who specialises in your specific goals and challenges can be invaluable. Trainers possess the knowledge and experience to design customised programs that alight with your unique needs, ensuring optimal results are achieved for the time frame available and reducing the risk of injury.


Psychological Approach: Seeking a personal trainer in this situation demonstrates your commitment to achieving your specific goals. It signifies your recognition that professional guidance is essential to navigate the complexities associated with your desired outcomes in the time frame that you have available to achieve those goals.


5. Limited Time and Efficiency:


Modern life is often hectic, leaving little time for exercise. If you struggle to find the time or struggle with inefficient workouts, hiring a personal trainer can help optimise your training sessions. Trainers can create time-efficient workouts that maximise results, ensuring you make the most of the time you invest in your fitness. I always say to our coaches we have to be like snipers, what this means in ensuring the quality of each rep and each set is at the best of your ability. As personal trainers we are here to assess and progress the quality of your training.


Psychological Approach: Contemplating hiring a personal trainer due to time constraints indicates your prioritisation of fitness and well-being despite a busy schedule. It showcases your desire to find efficient solutions and make the most of the time you dedicate to your health.


6. Lack of Confidence:


Many individuals feel self-conscious or lack confidence when exercising, especially in crowded gyms. Hiring a personal trainer within a private faculty provides a supportive environment where you can work on your fitness goals without fear of judgment. Trainers offer guidance, reassurance, and can help you build self-confidence as you progress. Confidence is like anything else the more time you spend doing a thing, the more skills you develop which then increases your confidence.


Psychological Approach: Considering a personal trainer in this context showcases your desire to overcome insecurities and build a positive relationship with exercise. It signifies your willingness to step out of your comfort zone and embrace a supportive environment for personal growth.


7. Inadequate Progress Monitoring:


Tracking progress is essential to gauge your fitness journey accurately. If you struggle to measure your progress effectively or lack the tools to do so, a personal trainer can help. Trainers implement assessment methods, monitor your progress, and make adjustments to your training plan accordingly.


Psychological Approach: Contemplation on hiring a personal trainer for progress monitoring indicates your commitment to achieving tangible results. It showcases your desire for accountability, tracking, and measurement as key elements in your fitness journey.


8. Safety Concerns:


Injuries can be a significant setback in any fitness program. If you have concerns about performing exercises safely or have a history of injuries, a professional personal trainer can guide you through proper form, technique, and injury prevention strategies. They can create a program that takes your unique circumstances into account, reducing the risk of injury.


Psychological Approach: Considering a personal trainer due to safety concerns demonstrates your commitment to taking care of your body and minimising the risk of injury. It indicates your recognition that professional guidance is crucial to maintain your long-term well-being. Just in the same we may hire a Golf coach to improve our skills on the course, it’s equally important to hire a coach to improve your skills in the gym.


9. Lack of Support System:


Embarking on a fitness journey alone can be challenging, especially if you lack a support system. Hiring a personal trainer not only provides professional guidance but also offers emotional support. Trainers are invested in your success and provide the encouragement and support necessary to keep you motivated and accountable. We are an ear to listen and we will give you our honest feedback to help you progress.


Psychological Approach: Reflecting on hiring a personal trainer to fill the support gap suggests your need for a positive influence and a source of encouragement during your fitness journey. It shows your recognition that having someone in your corner can make a significant difference in your progress and mindset. Together we can go far!


10. Long-Term Lifestyle Change:


If you desire a long-term lifestyle change and not just a short-term fix, hiring a personal trainer can be instrumental. Trainers help you develop healthy habits, provide nutrition guidance, and offer ongoing support to ensure you maintain your progress and make sustainable changes for a healthier body long term. It’s all good going monk mode and doing a 12 week transformation however the true wins are in the sustainability of the good habits you can create in the pursuit of health and longevity.


Psychological Approach: Considering a personal trainer for long-term lifestyle change demonstrates your commitment to lasting transformation. It showcases your recognition that investing in professional guidance and support is essential to achieve sustainable results and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long run. Quick fixes don’t last and are usually detrimental to long term progress.


Hiring a personal trainer is a decision that should be considered carefully, taking into account both the physical and psychological aspects of your fitness journey. The signs we have discussed serve as indicators that a personal trainer may be the missing piece in your pursuit of optimal health and fitness. So stop contemplating and take action today. At Soma Fitness, our coaches operate at the highest standards in the industry, continually reviewing and improving our service to ensure our clients receive the expertise, support, and guidance they deserve. Remember, investing in yourself is a worthy investment, and a personal trainer can be a valuable partner on your path to success.


Approach to Reducing Alcohol Consumption

As a personal trainer, we see many clients with the habit of consuming alcohol consistently and on some occasions daily for example a couple of glasses of wine with their evening meal.


Our goal as personal trainers is to help our clients create a lifestyle that promotes optimal health and well-being. One habit that often hinders this progress is this excessive alcohol consumption. Whether it’s a glass of wine with dinner or a few drinks during social gatherings, alcohol can have a significant impact on our overall health. In this guide, we will provide strategies to help you reduce your alcohol intake, using the glasses of wine with the evening meal as an example.


Bring Awareness to the Habit:


The first step in breaking any habit is to bring awareness to it. Take a moment to reflect on your evening alcohol consumption habit and acknowledge its impact on your health and well-being. Recognise the need for change and commit to making a positive transformation. If your goal is weight loss think about how much easier your journey would be without the extra calories each week from the consumption.


Modify Your Environment:


Your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your habits. Create an environment that supports your goal of reducing alcohol consumption. Remove alcohol from your home or keep it in a less accessible place. Replace alcoholic beverages with healthier alternatives such as infused water, herbal tea, or fresh juices. By making these alternatives readily available, you’ll make it easier to resist the urge to reach for alcohol.


Establish New Routines:


Breaking a habit often involves replacing it with a new, healthier routine. Identify the moments or activities that typically precede your evening alcohol consumption. Then, deliberately modify those routines to align with your goal of reducing alcohol intake. For example, if you usually pour yourself a drink immediately after entering the kitchen, replace that action with pouring a glass of water or engaging in a short stretching routine. By consciously altering your routine, you’ll gradually create a new pattern that does not involve alcohol.


Start Small and Gradual:


Attempting to eliminate a habit overnight can be overwhelming and discouraging. Instead, focus on small, manageable steps. Start by reducing the quantity of alcohol you consume or replacing some of your evening alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic alternatives. By taking gradual steps, you’ll give your body and mind time to adjust, making it easier to break the habit in the long run.


Find Healthy Substitutes:


Breaking a habit becomes easier when you find healthier alternatives that fulfil the same underlying needs. Explore activities or beverages that provide relaxation, stress relief, or enjoyment without the negative effects of alcohol. Engage in physical exercise, practice mindfulness or deep breathing techniques, do some mobility and stretching or enjoy a flavourful herbal tea. Experiment with different options to find what works best for you and aligns with your goals.


Seek Support and Accountability:


Accountability can be a powerful tool in breaking habits. Share your intention to reduce alcohol consumption with a trusted friend, family member, or work with your personal trainer. They can provide encouragement, understanding, and support throughout your journey. Consider finding a buddy with similar goals, and together, you can motivate each other and celebrate milestones along the way. If one of you falls off track the other give give your friend or coach £10 for each drink you have, write a contract between you and make it extra motivating to stay on track.


Breaking the habit of over consuming alcohol understandingly requires commitment, patience, and a supportive approach. As a personal trainer, I encourage you to bring awareness to your habit, modify your environment, establish new routines, start small and gradual, find healthy substitutes, and seek support and accountability. Remember, progress may take time, but with determination, consistency and these strategies, you can break free from this habit and embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle and achieve the body you have been working hard for.


⬇️7.5 Kg at 60 years of age!

Nick has been dealing with a chronic knee injury for quite some time but that hasn’t stopped him from taking control of his health and fitness.

When he began training with coach Jonny he was struggling to walk properly and had the goal of losing some weight.

Nick is one of coach Jonny’s hardest working clients in the gym, and pushes himself every single session however in the early stages his nutrition was letting him down over the weekend.

The inconsistency with his nutrition outside of the gym was keeping his weight stagnant however after this was addressed Nick locked in and was ready was to make the changes necessary.

A plan was made that was realistic for him to allow for him to still have a social life and still hit his targets.

⭐️Lost 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs)

⭐️ Can now walk properly with increased strength and stability.

⭐️Increased understanding on how to follow and bespoke training program x 3 sessions per week.

⭐️Deeper understanding of nutrition and how he can still socialise and stay on track.

⭐️Better posture, increased strength and lean muscle mass.

⭐️More enjoyment of his training now he is pain free.

Are you located in the Hale and Altrincham area or close by and wondering how to get started with losing weight and feeling great?

Are you struggling with achieving your health and fitness goals and find that you do not know where to start?

Are you struggling finding the energy to get yourself in the gym?

Contact us and we can get you booked in for a FREE Consultation with our personal training team who can explain to you the steps it will take to get you to where you desire to be. Our personal trainers will guide and coach you along the way helping you to create the habits required for you to have a strong and healthy body and bags of energy.


The Power of Saying ‘No’: Unlocking Your Fitness Potential

As a personal trainer, I’ve observed that many clients struggle to achieve their fitness goals because they find it challenging to say ‘no’ to various situations that hinder their progress. Whether it’s attending mid-week social events, sacrificing sleep, or succumbing to high-stress situations, saying ‘yes’ all the time can have detrimental effects on your weight loss, hunger levels, muscle building, and overall recovery. We will explore the science behind saying yes to these situations that will cause late nights, sleep deprivation, stress, and how they impact your fitness journey. By learning to say ‘no,’ you can prioritise your health and supercharge your progress.


Late Nights and Sleep Deprivation:


Late nights disrupt your body’s natural circadian rhythm, leading to sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep affects various hormonal and physiological processes, significantly impacting your weight loss and hunger levels.


a. Hormonal Imbalance: Sleep deprivation alters hormone production, primarily affecting two key hormones involved in appetite regulation—ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin, the hunger hormone, increases, making you feel hungrier and increasing the likelihood of overeating. At the same time, leptin, the satiety hormone, decreases, leading to reduced feelings of fullness.

b. Cravings and Food Choices: Sleep deprivation triggers cravings for high-calorie, high-sugar foods, leading to poor food choices. These cravings, combined with increased hunger, can derail your weight loss efforts and hinder your ability to build muscle.

c. Metabolism and Fat Storage: Insufficient sleep disrupts your metabolism, affecting how your body processes and stores fat. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived individuals tend to have slower metabolisms and an increased tendency to store fat, particularly in the abdominal region.


Stress and its Impact on Fitness:


Saying ‘yes’ to stressful situations can significantly hinder your progress, making it essential to prioritise stress management and learn to say ‘no’ when needed.

a. Cortisol and Fat Storage: Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone associated with fat storage, particularly around the midsection. Elevated cortisol levels can make it harder to lose weight and build muscle, as excess cortisol promotes muscle breakdown.

b. Impaired Recovery: High-stress levels inhibit recovery by interfering with muscle repair and growth. When you consistently say ‘yes’ to stressful situations, your body may struggle to adapt and rebuild, leading to compromised progress and increased risk of injury.

c. Lack of Focus and Motivation: Stress and overwhelm can sap your mental energy, leaving you less focused and motivated for your workouts. This can lead to suboptimal training sessions and hinder your ability to achieve your fitness goals.

Prioritising Rest and Recovery:


Apart from sleep and stress management, there are other areas where saying ‘no’ can be highly beneficial to your progress.

a. Overtraining and Injury Risk: Overcommitting to a high frequency of intense workouts without adequate rest can lead to overtraining, which manifests as fatigue, decreased performance, and increased risk of injury. By learning to say ‘no’ to and extra training sessions or classes where the intensity cannot be controlled or regulated or incorporating rest days, you give your body the chance to recover and grow stronger. This is commonly seen in athletes and individuals who enjoy sport, remember more is not always better, quality and consistency is always better.

b. Nutritional Choices: Saying ‘no’ to unhealthy food options and temptations can support your weight loss goals. By making mindful choices, you nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods that enhance recovery and provide the necessary fuel for optimal performance. Individuals might say, but my friend came round with cake and I couldn’t say no. Yes you can say no!

c. Time Management: Saying ‘no’ to non-essential commitments or distractions allows you to prioritise your training and self-care routines. By creating boundaries and carving out dedicated time for exercise and recovery, you improve consistency and create an environment conducive to progress.


Learning to say ‘no’ is an essential skill on your fitness journey and progress.

Mastering Discipline: Unlocking Your Weight Loss Potential

Weight loss is a common challenge faced by many individuals. While there can be several underlying factors contributing to weight gain, one of the biggest culprits we see with the majority of our personal training clients is most often a lack of discipline. Discipline plays a crucial role in making healthy choices and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Unfortunately for most individuals elevating themselves beyond their comfort zone becomes a psychological battle and they often give up due to lack a of discipline. In this article, we will explore how discipline affects weight management, identify common scenarios where discipline falters, and provide strategies to train and strengthen your discipline muscle. Additionally, we will recommend three books that can guide you on your journey toward overcoming bad habits and improving discipline.


The Role of Discipline in Weight Management:


Discipline is the ability to resist short-term temptations in favour of long-term goals. When it comes to weight management, discipline is vital because it helps you make consistent choices aligned with your health objectives. It empowers you to resist the allure of high-calorie desserts, mindless snacking, excessive alcohol consumption, and other dietary pitfalls. By practicing discipline, you can make conscious decisions that support your weight loss journey.


Identifying Common Scenarios of Discipline Failure:


Discipline can falter in various situations, making it challenging to stick to your weight management plan. Here are some examples:

  1. Dessert Temptations: You may find it difficult to resist indulging in desserts, especially when faced with tempting options like creamy cakes or gooey pastries. If you have created the habit of always ordering a dessert when you dine out, it’s going to take a conscious effort to decline dessert with the waiter/waitress brings along the dessert menu. Ordering a peppermint tea or straight up asking for the bill will take effort and putting yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve it. However once you practice this habit on numerous occasions your discipline will grow and your comfort zone will be enhanced. Remember everything is hard been overweight is hard and been in shape and healthy is hard and takes conscious effort.
  2. Social Settings: When attending social gatherings, it’s easy to cave in to peer pressure or the desire to fit in, resulting in overconsumption of unhealthy food and beverages.
  3. Office Snacking: Workplace environments often offer opportunities for indulgence, such as when colleagues bring in delicious treats or when stress triggers the need for comfort food.


Training Your Discipline Muscle:

Discipline is not an innate quality but rather a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time. Here are some strategies to train your discipline:


  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your weight management goals and establish a realistic plan to achieve them. Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish will enhance your focus and motivation.
  2. Create a Routine: Establishing a consistent routine helps you develop healthy habits. Plan your meals, exercise sessions, and rest periods, and stick to them as closely as possible.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Increase your awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours related to food. By practicing mindfulness, you can identify triggers that lead to overeating or unhealthy choices and learn to respond more intentionally.
  4. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with individuals who support your goals. They can provide encouragement, accountability, and motivation when your discipline falters.


Recommended Books for Improving Discipline:


  1. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear: This book explores the power of small habits and offers practical strategies to build discipline and transform your life.
  2. “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle: By emphasizing the importance of living in the present moment, this book helps you cultivate self-awareness and make conscious choices aligned with your weight management goals.
  3. “The Willpower Instinct” by Kelly McGonigal: This book delves into the science of self-control and provides actionable techniques to strengthen your willpower and resist temptations.


Discipline is a key factor in successful weight management if you don’t take it seriously and consciously work on overcoming the habits that have caused you to gain weight then you chance of success are slim. By understanding the role of discipline, identifying scenarios where it tends to waver, and implementing strategies to train and strengthen your discipline muscle, you can overcome bad habits and make healthier choices. Remember, discipline is like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. So, start practicing discipline today and unlock your weight loss potential for a healthier, happier you. It’s not going to be easy but it sure will be worth it.

Gymnema sylvestre – the sugar destroyer

Gymnema sylvestre, also known as the sugar destroyer or miracle fruit, is a popular medicinal herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various health conditions. The herb is native to India and is also found in other parts of Asia, Africa, and Australia. The leaves of Gymnema sylvestre contain active compounds such as gymnemic acids, which are responsible for the herb’s medicinal properties. Here are some of the health benefits of Gymnema sylvestre:


Blood sugar control: Gymnema sylvestre has been found to be effective in reducing blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The active compounds in Gymnema sylvestre are known to block the absorption of glucose in the intestine and also increase insulin secretion, which helps to lower blood sugar levels.


Weight loss: Gymnema sylvestre can also aid in weight loss. It contains compounds that help to reduce sugar cravings and prevent overeating. By reducing sugar cravings, Gymnema sylvestre can also help to reduce calorie intake, which can lead to weight loss.


Lower cholesterol levels: Studies have shown that Gymnema sylvestre can help to lower cholesterol levels in the body. The herb works by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, which helps to lower the overall cholesterol levels in the body.


Anti-inflammatory properties: Gymnema sylvestre has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is linked to various health conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.


Digestive health: Gymnema sylvestre has been used in traditional medicine to treat digestive problems such as constipation, indigestion, and flatulence. The herb has been found to have a laxative effect and can help to promote bowel movements.


Anti-cancer properties: Gymnema sylvestre contains compounds that have been found to have anti-cancer properties. The herb has been found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and also induce apoptosis, which is the programmed cell death of cancer cells.

Gymnema sylvestre is a powerful herb that has many health benefits. Gymnema sylvestre is available in various forms such as capsules, teas, and extracts. For the most part we recommend the consumption of this herb for our personal training clients who struggle with sugar cravings and snacking as a strategy to help them create long lasting habits that will improve their overall health.  

Find Gymnema Drops Online:

Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre or Marsdenia sylvestris) Leaves, Liquid Extract Drops 120 ml

Maintain your goals during Ramadan

Ramadan is approaching with fasting for our Muslim personal training clients. It is a time of reflection, prayer, and self-discipline however, for athletes and individuals who wish to maintain their fitness levels, muscle mass and strength, it can be challenging to maintain their training schedule and performance while fasting. It is important to have structure and plan and optimise your training during Ramadan to get the best results.

When is the best time to train during Ramadan?

The optimal time to train during Ramadan depends on the individual’s personal preference and schedule. However, we generally recommended to train after breaking the fast (Iftar) or before the pre-dawn meal (Suhoor). Training during these times we have found over the years with feedback from our personal training clients allows the individual to consume food and water to fuel their workouts and rehydrate after the workout.

Training after Iftar allows the athlete to replenish their glycogen stores, which can help increase energy levels during the workout. It also allows them to consume a proper post-workout meal, which is essential for recovery and muscle growth. A disadvantage of training after Iftar can be challenging due to the heaviness of the meal and the possibility of feeling sluggish during the workout.

Training before Suhoor, on the other hand, allows the athlete to consume a small meal and hydrate before the workout. It also allows them to take advantage of the increased energy levels that occur during the pre-dawn meal. A disadvantage of training before Suhoor can be challenging due to the early wake-up time and the possibility of feeling fatigued during the workout. 

What types of foods should you break your fast with?

Breaking the fast with nutrient dense  foods is essential for maintaining energy levels during the workout and promoting recovery afterward. You must certainly avoid processed and refined foods with little quality nutrition. We have found the best results for our personal training clients to break the fast with a combination of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.

Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, provide sustained energy during the workout. 

Protein, such as meats, fish, beans, and legumes, is essential for muscle repair and growth. Healthy fats, such as nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, seeds, and avocado, provide satiety and energy during the workout.

It is also important to hydrate properly during Iftar. Drinking water and electrolyte-rich beverages, such as coconut water or electrolyte drinks, can help rehydrate the body and replenish lost minerals. Adding BCAAs to your water during this time of the year can also help with ingesting enough amino acids to preserve and build your muscle mass. 

How to optimize hydration during Ramadan?

Hydration is crucial during Ramadan, especially for athletes who need to maintain their performance levels. It is recommended to drink at least 35 ml of water per kilo of body weight per day to ensure adequate hydration. This will be required to ingest between Iftar and Suhoor which may be challenging for some individuals who normally struggle to drink enough water throughout the day we would recommend that you take advantage of consuming some quality electrolytes. Our personal trainers also advise our to avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, as they can increase dehydration.

During the workout, it is recommended to drink small sips of water every 10-15 minutes to maintain hydration levels. It is also important to avoid drinking large amounts of water at once, as it can lead to stomach discomfort. 

How to maintain muscle mass during Ramadan?

Maintaining muscle mass during Ramadan can be challenging, especially if the athlete is in a calorie deficit due to the fasting period. It is essential to consume adequate protein and calories during Iftar and Suhoor to prevent muscle breakdown.

Consuming protein-rich foods, such as eggs, meats, fish, beans, and legumes, during Iftar and Suhoor can help maintain muscle mass. It is also important to consume complex carbohydrates to provide energy for the workout and healthy fats to provide satiety and energy during the workout.

In addition to sound nutrition, our personal trainers recommended to continue strength training during Ramadan to maintain muscle mass. However, it is important to adjust the training volume and intensity to accommodate the fasting period.

In conclusion, training during Ramadan can be challenging, don’t make excuses find solutions. With proper planning and nutrition, individuals can maintain their performance levels and even improve their fitness during the holy month. 

If you are looking to step up your fitness game this year contact us and find out how our personal trainers in Hale and Altrincham can help. 

The Goals of Post Workout Nutrition

After a strenuous workout, your body requires proper nutrition to recover and perform optimally. Post-workout nutrition is crucial to achieving your recovery goals, as it can help replenish energy stores, reduce muscle soreness, and promote muscle growth. In this article, we’ll explore the goals of post-workout nutrition and some examples of how to achieve them.


  1. Replenish Glycogen Stores: During exercise, your body uses glycogen, which is stored in your muscles and liver, for energy. To maintain high-quality exercise frequency, you need to replenish these glycogen stores after your workout. Consuming carbohydrates post-workout can help restore glycogen levels and provide fuel for future workouts.

Examples: A banana on a rice cake, or a sports drink containing carbohydrates can all help replenish glycogen stores.


  1. Promote Muscle Protein Synthesis: Resistance exercise creates tiny tears in your muscle fibers, and proper nutrition is required to repair and rebuild these fibers, to promote muscle growth. Consuming protein after a workout can help stimulate muscle protein synthesis and promote muscle growth.

Examples: A whey protein shake, grilled chicken breast, or Greek yogurt (you could ad a banana and honey to this for some carbs) are all excellent sources of protein to consume post-workout.

  1. Reduce Muscle Soreness and Inflammation: After a challenging workout, you may experience muscle soreness, stiffness, and inflammation. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods post-workout can help reduce inflammation and aid in recovery.

Examples: Berries, leafy greens, salmon, and nuts are all anti-inflammatory foods that can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation.

  1. Restore Electrolyte Balance: Sweating during exercise can cause a loss of electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Proper electrolyte balance is crucial for muscle function and hydration. Consuming electrolyte-rich foods and drinks can help restore these minerals and keep you hydrated.

Examples: Coconut water or an electrolyte drink are all good sources of electrolytes to consume post-workout.

  1. Activate Parasympathetic Nervous System: The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for rest and recovery. After a workout, it’s essential to activate this system to promote relaxation and repair. Consuming foods and drinks that contain magnesium can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Other relaxation techniques can also help induce the parasympathetic nervous system.

Examples: Dark chocolate, spinach, and almonds are all good sources of magnesium that can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system post-workout. Breath work, meditation or a light walk prior to exercise are great ways to also achieve this.


Post-workout nutrition is important for achieving your fitness goals. The conversation we have with our personal training clients once they are into a consistent frequency of exercise regarding post workout recovery is usually discussed as a strategy to keep exercise frequency consistent and to keep NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) high in between workouts. If our clients are too sore they tend to move less in between sessions causing less total calories to be burnt during the week which may hinder our fat loss goals. Creating the correct strategy for our personal training clients to maximise their opportunities to achieve their goals in an efficient manner is something we take into account when our personal trainers are putting together their plans and strategies bespoke to each individual personal training client.

Contact us to find our more about are personal trainer in altrincham and personal trainers in Hale, we specialise in a bespoke service for our personal training clients and we take a huge attention to detail to give you the highest quality personal training service in the area.

Benefits of L-Glutamine

L-glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced naturally in the body. It plays a vital role in a number of important bodily functions such as protein synthesis, cell growth, and energy production. Additionally, it offers a wide range of health benefits that we utilise for our personal training clients to assist them with the following:


One of the main benefits of L-glutamine is its ability to support recovery after intense exercise. It has been shown to help reduce muscle soreness, speed up muscle recovery, and improve overall athletic performance. Additionally, L-glutamine has been found to help with muscle repair and growth, which is essential for all individuals participating in resistance training along with athletes and bodybuilders.

Gut Health:

L-glutamine also offers several benefits for gut health. It has been shown to help heal and strengthen the intestinal lining, which can reduce the risk of leaky gut syndrome and other digestive disorders. Additionally, L-glutamine has been found to help reduce inflammation in the gut, which can alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other digestive issues.


L-glutamine has also been found to help reduce cravings for sugar and other unhealthy foods. This is because L-glutamine can help regulate blood sugar levels, which can reduce the risk of sugar crashes and subsequent cravings. Additionally, L-glutamine has been found to increase feelings of fullness, which can help reduce overall calorie intake.


The recommended dosage of L-glutamine varies depending on the individual and their specific needs. However, most studies suggest that a daily dosage of 5-10 grams is generally safe and effective. It is important to note that L-glutamine should not be taken in excessive amounts, as this can cause adverse side effects such as gastrointestinal distress.

Other Benefits:

In addition to its benefits for recovery, gut health, and cravings, L-glutamine has also been found to offer a number of other health benefits. For example, it has been shown to help boost immune function, improve cognitive function, and reduce the risk of certain cancers. All these fantastic benefits for a relatively inexpensive supplement.

Overall, L-glutamine is an affordable and powerful supplement that offers a wide range of benefits. Whether you are an athlete looking to support muscle recovery, someone with digestive issues looking to improve gut health, or someone struggling with cravings and blood sugar issues, L-glutamine may be able to help. To purchase a good quality micronized L-Glutamine powder click the link below:

Beginning the fitness journey for elderly populations

During the later years of life, certain things can start to become harder, we gradually start to lose our strength, speed and co-ordination. For some people, this can unfortunately lead to a loss of independence. It is widely known that regular exercise can aid with vastly slowing down the ageing process, however, the proportion of people taking part in regular activity actually decreases with age. Therefore, it’s important to identify what barriers elderly people, exclusively, face when it comes to partaking in regular physical activity and try to combat them, as oppose to simply telling them that they should exercise.


The first, and in my opinion by far the most significant, barrier is social norms. Amongst the elderly generation, it is widely considered that exercise is something for younger people. This holds specifically true for resistance training, which is not only stereotyped for being exclusively for young people, but young men specifically- making older women twice as likely to disregard it. As well as being the most significant barrier, I also believe it is by far the most difficult to change. If someone has held a belief for 60+ years, the chances of them changing it are slim. Although, education goes a long way and it’s important to make small steps. An example of this would be encouraging a group of elderly people who already partake in aqua aerobics to try the light resistance class. And for the sedentary, instead of trying and get a book club into a strength training programme, start them off by encouraging a group walk. Also, from an individual point of view, if you are an elderly person who wants to become more physically active then putting yourself in the right environment, like a water aerobics class, is going to surround you with more like-minded individuals, and make it a lot less daunting should you choose to tackle a more demanding form of physical activity.


Next, there’s the physical barriers. Older people may have sustained many injuries over the years, which, combined with a natural loss of muscle elasticity and strength from sarcopenia, can make the prospect of more movement particularly less appealing than if someone had proposed the idea to them 30 years prior. To combat this, hiring the right professional can be key in making exercise pain free and enjoyable. A good personal trainer can identify any movement limitations you may have and provide an exercise programme which addresses these issues as well as making you stronger and healthier. For more serious issues, the right medical professional will be needed.


Next, there’s the fear of venturing into the unknown. Most people in their 20’s will have at least been to a gym a few times, even if they have not adhered to a programme they will have familiarity to what basic movements look like such as a squat or shoulder press. However, 40-60 years ago, gyms were a lot less common and therefore elderly people now haven’t acquired any knowledge of resistance training. Therefore, if they were to feel confident enough to go into a gym, they simply would not know where to begin, which can make the experience even more daunting and overwhelming than it already is. To combat this, there is a few options depending on one’s budget. The gold standard would be to hire a good personal trainer, who will provide a bespoke programme to you as well as educating you on correct exercise execution and the benefits of each exercise, so you can truly value the experience and the positive impact each part of the session can have on your life.


One important thing to note which often gets missed with elderly people is that their nutritional needs change as they get older. For instance, within the fitness industry it’s common knowledge that 2.2g of protein per kg of bodyweight per day, spread out over 4-6 servings will optimise protein synthesis, leading to optimal recovery. However, what is less widely documented is that protein requirements increase with age. The amount it increases is approximately 0.2g of protein per kg of bodyweight per day for every decade after 20’s. For example, someone in their 30’s would need 2.4g per kg of bodyweight per day and someone in their 40’s would need 2.6g per kg of bodyweight per day and so on. Now, this amount is particularly large once you get into the 60’s etc. Therefore, it’s important to recommend supplements that elderly people will enjoy, so that every meal isn’t just an enormous serving of meat in which will take a large amount of digestive power to breakdown.


Overall, many elderly people do experience barriers to exercise that many people fail to identify. That is why it’s important to meet them where they’re at, and help them in addressing them in a way that’s bespoke to that individual, to give them the best chance at adhering to a lifestyle of regular physical activity.

Are you reading this and are some points resonating with you? Would a small group personal training session for more elderly populations be something that you would be interested in? If so send us a message and if we can get a few individuals interested this is something that we would be happy to facilitate.