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Is Personal Training Too Expensive?

When it comes to fitness and health, there’s often a perception that personal training is too expensive. While it’s true that personal training can be costly, it’s essential to recognise that poor health and psychological well-being can also be very expensive.


We all have priorities, and it’s important to consider where our health falls on that list. Without good health, it can be difficult to enjoy other aspects of our lives fully. It’s also essential to understand that investing in our health is a long-term investment in ourselves.


Personal training may seem expensive, but when you compare it to the costs associated with poor health, it can be a very cost-effective option. Medical bills, missed workdays, and reduced quality of life can all result from poor health, which can be costly in both financial and emotional terms.


The benefits of personal training go beyond physical fitness. Personal trainers can help clients set realistic goals and develop a focused program that caters to their specific needs. A personal trainer can also hold you accountable, ensuring you stay on track with your fitness journey.


When you choose to work with a personal trainer, you also benefit from focused training with minimal distractions. At a traditional gym, it’s easy to become sidetracked by other gym-goers, equipment, and noise. In contrast, working with a personal trainer in a private gym environment means you can focus on your goals and get the most out of your workouts.


It’s worth noting that personal training is not for everyone, and that’s okay. However, anyone who has considered taking steps to get into shape should at least explore the option of hiring a personal trainer. The benefits of having someone guide you through your fitness journey can be invaluable.


It’s important to remember that getting fit and healthy is hard work and takes effort. But so does being overweight, unfit, tired, and unhealthy. It’s a matter of choosing your hard. Prioritising your health and investing in yourself is one of the most important things you can do. And with the help of a personal trainer, you can make sure you’re on the right track to achieving your health and fitness goals.

Getting started for a beginner in the gym.

As a personal trainer, I understand how overwhelming it can be for beginners to step into a gym for the first time. With so many different machines, equipment, and training programs available, it can be hard to know where to start. However, getting started in the gym doesn’t have to be intimidating. In fact, with the right guidance and knowledge, it can be a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips to help complete beginners get started in the gym.


First, it’s important to set some realistic goals. Think about what you want to achieve and what your fitness level is currently. It’s important to be honest with yourself about your current fitness level and what you are capable of achieving in a reasonable amount of time. A personal trainer can sit down with you and layout some realistic micro and macro goals and give you the correct structure and guidance on how to navigate to attain them.


Once you have set your goals, you can start planning your workout routine.

When it comes to training splits, there are many different options available. Some popular training splits include full-body workouts, upper/lower splits, and push/pull/legs splits. Full-body workouts are great for beginners because they allow you to work all of your muscle groups in a single session. Upper/lower splits focus on the upper body in one workout and the lower body in another, while push/pull/legs splits separate your workouts into upper body pushing movements, upper body pulling movements, and leg exercises.


Regardless of the type of training split you choose, it’s important to incorporate a variety of exercises to ensure that you are working all of your muscle groups. This can include compound exercises like squat variations, hinging variations, pressing movements and pulling movements, as well as isolation exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions. It’s also important to start with lighter weights and focus on perfecting your exercise execution before gradually increasing the weight. It’s important that you learn how to control the weight through the full range of motion and that you learn how to contract the muscle that you are trying to work rather than just moving the load from A to B with zero intent.


While it’s possible to get started in the gym on your own, hiring a personal trainer is often the best way to learn how to exercise correctly. A personal trainer can help you set realistic goals, develop a bespoke workout plan based on your fitness level and goals, and teach you proper exercise execution. They can also help you track your progress and adjust your workout plan as needed.


A personal trainer can help navigate through all the challenges that will come your way along the path and coach you to you remain motivated and accountable. Starting a new workout routine can be challenging, but having a personal trainer by your side can help you stay focused and committed to achieving your goals. They can also provide valuable advice on nutrition and lifestyle habits to help you achieve your fitness goals faster. Which is that hardest part of the process for most individuals.


Getting started in the gym can be daunting for complete beginners. However, with the right guidance and knowledge, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Setting realistic goals, choosing the right training split, and incorporating a variety of exercises are all key to a successful workout routine. Hiring a personal trainer is the best way to learn how to exercise correctly and stay on track within your fitness journey. Don’t wait for tomorrow or Monday start today step foot into the gym and get comfortable within the environment, everyone is in the gym for the same reason and that’s to progress and achieve a stronger healthier body.

Why am I experiencing Sugar Cravings?

Sugar cravings are a common experience among many of our personal training clients. Whether you are a self-proclaimed sugar addict or you just have a sweet tooth, there are several reasons why you may crave sugar. Some of the most common reasons that we see individuals form sugar cravings will be covered in this article and we will be providing some solutions for each problem. Additionally, we will also be discussing the benefits of Gymnema sylvestre, a natural herb that can help with sugar cravings.

  1. Dehydration: Dehydration is a common cause of sugar cravings. When you are dehydrated, your body may send signals to your brain that you interpret as sugar cravings. This is because when you are dehydrated, your body may not be able to process glucose as efficiently, leading to a drop in blood sugar levels.


Solution: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help you stay hydrated and reduce your sugar cravings. Set yourself targets on the volume of water consumed for each hour of the day. As a strategy of some of our clients we will ask them to set reminders on their phone to consume water.

  1. Stress: Stress is another common reason why individuals crave sugar. When you are stressed, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that can increase your blood sugar levels. Eating sugar can provide a temporary boost of energy, which can help you cope with stress.

Solution: Finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise or meditation, therapy, can help reduce your stress and sugar cravings.

  1. Lack of Sleep or poor quality sleep: When you do not get enough quality sleep, your body may produce more ghrelin, a hormone that can increase your appetite. This can lead to cravings for sugary foods and drinks.

Solution: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night can help reduce your sugar cravings. For more tips view this article on sleep:

  1. Nutrient Deficiencies: If you are not getting enough nutrients in your diet, your body may crave sugar as a way to get the energy it needs. For example, if you are not getting enough magnesium, your body may crave chocolate, which is high in magnesium.

Solution: Eating a nutrient dense diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources can help reduce your sugar cravings. Getting a nutrient deficiency test can also be a useful way to pin point what nutrients that you may need to increase in your diet or supplementation.

  1. Habit: Sometimes, sugar cravings can become a habit. For example, if you always have a sweet treat after dinner, your body will always expect it.

Solution: Breaking the habit of eating sugar at a certain time or in a certain situation can help reduce your sugar cravings.


Gymnema sylvestre is a natural supplement that can help with sugar cravings. Gymnema sylvestre is an herb that has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It contains compounds that can help block the taste of sweetness, which can help reduce sugar cravings. Additionally, Gymnema sylvestre may also help reduce the absorption of sugar in the intestines, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.

In addition to its benefits for sugar cravings, Gymnema sylvestre has several other potential health benefits. For example, it may help lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and support healthy digestion.


Contact us to book in your consultation with a personal trainer near me in hale and altrincham.

Weight Loss: Fundamental basic skills and habits required to succeed.

Weight loss is a challenging process that requires dedication, discipline, and consistency. Many people give up to achieve their weight loss goals because they lack the fundamental basic skills and habits required to succeed. In this article we will cover the essential skills necessary for weight loss and how to implement them effectively.

  1. Goal setting: The first step towards weight loss success is setting realistic and achievable goals. A lot of times we sit down with clients in our personal training facility and they don’t have clear goals, part of our job as personal trainers is to guide each individual on setting clear attainable goals and laying out the journey for them. Having a specific goal and micro goals laid out helps to keep you motivated and focused on your weight loss journey. Set short-term goals like losing 1-2 pounds a week and long-term goals like losing 20-30 pounds in 6 months. If you do not hit your short term goals for one week make note of the reasons why and implement a strategy for the following week to avoid the pitfalls that held you back. This way you are accountable for the habits that have held you back over months and years and you are on the right track to creating long lasting positive habits for your health and weight loss goals. Write down your goals and make a plan to achieve them. If you can’t manage this yourself hire a personal trainer to do it for you and guide you along the way.
  2. Mindset: The correct mindset is crucial to achieving your weight loss goals. Believe that you can achieve your goals and be patient with yourself. Avoid negative self-talk and celebrate small wins along the way. Surround yourself with positive people who will support you on your weight loss journey and avoid individual who will bring you down or reinforce bad habits into your lifestyle.
  3. Nutrition: Nutrition plays a vital role in weight loss. Start by eating a nutritious diet that includes nutrient dense foods like fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed and high-calorie foods that are not nutrient dense. Increasing your micronutrient content will improve your energy levels which will allow you to move more and burn more calories. Use a food diary or my fitness pal to track your calorie intake and make sure you are eating within your calorie targets. Begin with a moderate deficit and adjust it as you progress, don’t kill yourself with and unrealistic deficit this will make most people give up and have negative associations with weight loss. As personal trainers we will adjust a clients calorie intake based on certain factors our aim is to get a continued weight reduction with as many calories as possible.
  4. Exercise: Regular exercise is essential for weight loss. Resistance training plays a huge role as we build lean muscle mass we raise our metabolic rate which means you burn more calories at rest. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. Incorporate both cardio and strength training into your workout routine. Find an exercise frequency that you can keep consistent and keep into you your weekly schedule.
  5. Sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for weight loss. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and poor food choices. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Establish a bedtime routine to help you fall asleep faster and get better quality sleep. We have a sleep protocol that we provide for clients who struggle with sleep. We recommend avoiding caffeine past 1:00 pm and limiting screen time before bed.
  6. Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for weight loss. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Avoid sugary drinks like soda and juice, which can add unnecessary calories to your diet. Of course alcoholic beverages should be limited and accounted for in your tracking.
  7. Accountability: Accountability is crucial for weight loss success. Find a friend or family member who can support and encourage you on your weight loss journey be cautious with this as they have to be as committed as yourself to keeping you accountable if they let you down at times if may well encourage you to have a day off or quit altogether. Hiring a personal trainer is probably the best thing you can do to hold yourself accountable and provide you with all the necessary tools to achieve sustainable long lasting weight loss.

Spot Fat Reduction.

Spot reduction is a term used to describe the idea that it is possible to selectively reduce fat in specific areas of the body through targeted exercise. However, this idea has been widely discredited by scientific research, as the body does not lose fat in a specific, localized manner. Instead, fat loss occurs evenly across the body, and is influenced by a combination of diet, exercise, and genetics.


The human body stores fat in adipose tissue, which is distributed throughout the body. When the body burns fat for energy, it does so by breaking down triglycerides in adipose tissue into free fatty acids, which are then transported to the muscles to be used as fuel. However, the body does not selectively burn fat in specific areas. Instead, fat loss occurs evenly across the body, regardless of the type of exercise being performed.


This is due to the fact that the body’s fat burning process is primarily controlled by hormones such as insulin, cortisol, and adrenaline, as well as genetics. These factors influence the body’s ability to burn fat, and can vary greatly from person to person. Additionally, genetics also plays a role in determining where fat is stored on the body.


Despite the fact that spot reduction is not possible, there are still effective ways to reduce fat in specific areas of the body. The most effective way to reduce fat in any area of the body is to create a calorie deficit through a combination of diet and exercise. This means consuming fewer calories than the body burns, which will cause the body to burn stored fat for energy.


Another effective way to reduce fat in specific areas of the body is to focus on exercises that target those areas. For example, to reduce fat in the abdominal area, exercises such as crunches, roll outs, and leg raises can be effective. To reduce fat in the legs, exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg press can be effective. However, it is important to note that while these exercises can help tone and strengthen the muscles in these areas, they will not selectively reduce fat in those areas.


Spot reduction is a widely discredited idea, and the body does not lose fat in a specific, localised manner. Instead, fat loss occurs evenly across the body, and is influenced by a combination of diet, exercise, and genetics. The most effective way to reduce fat in any area of the body is to create a calorie deficit through a combination of diet and exercise. Additionally, exercises that target specific areas can also be effective in toning and strengthening muscles in those areas, but will not selectively reduce fat in those areas.

A good start would be to initially begin to track your calorie intake and place yourself in a 10% deficit to begin with. Try to perform x2 resistance training training sessions per week, a personal trainer could construct a program where you can focus more on specific areas to create a program bespoke to you. Try to perform x2 sessions per week of cardio vascular exercise decide on something that you particularly enjoy and that you can keep consistent.

How to break your snacking habits


We all love a snack and snacking can be a great way to fuel your body and keep your energy levels up, but it can also lead to weight gain and other health problems if you’re not careful and make the right choices. We are going to go over some tips and strategies for breaking your snacking habits and developing healthier habits in their place.


  1. Identify your triggers: Before you can start breaking your snacking habits, it’s important to understand what triggers your snacking in the first place. Common triggers include boredom, stress, and certain times of the day. Once you know what your triggers are, you can start to develop strategies for avoiding or managing them.
  2. Plan ahead: One of the best ways to avoid snacking is to plan ahead. Make sure you have healthy snacks on hand, like fruits and vegetables, so that you can grab something when you feel the urge to snack. You can also plan your meals in advance so that you know you’ll have something to eat when you’re hungry.
  3. Find healthy alternatives: If you’re used to snacking on junk food, it can be hard to break that habit. But by finding healthy alternatives to your favourite snacks, you can still enjoy the flavours you love without the added calories and unhealthy ingredients.
  4. Get moving: Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and boost your energy levels, which can help reduce the urge to snack. Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, whether it’s a workout at the gym, a walk, or a yoga class. If you have enough in your budget to hire a personal trainer this can be a great way to learn the skills on how to exercise correctly.
  5. Be mindful: Be mindful of your snacking habits. Pay attention to when, where, and why you snack, and try to be aware of your body’s signals of hunger and fullness. By being mindful of your habits, you can make better choices about when and what to eat.
  6. Stay Hydrated: Thirst can make people eat more and increase the urge to snack. When we feel thirsty, our body is actually signalling that it needs water. But sometimes, our brain can confuse thirst for hunger, which can lead us to eat when we actually need to drink. Drinking water can help to curb your appetite and reduce the urge to snack, as well as keep your body hydrated. It’s also important to make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day, so that you’re not getting dehydrated and mistaking it for hunger. Drinking water before a meal or snack can also help you feel more full and eat less.


Breaking a snacking habit can take time and effort, but with a little patience and persistence, you can develop healthier habits that will benefit your overall health in the long run. Remember to be kind to yourself and don’t get discouraged if you slip up. Don’t give up just keep moving forward and you’ll get there.

Static Stretching on Muscle Thickness.


Reference to the Study:

Warneke et. al. (2022), Influence of long-lasting Static Stretching on Maximal Strength, Muscle Thickness and Flexibility. FRONT PHYSIOL


Details of the Study:


  • Subjects used an orthosis (a brace) to hold the ankle in a dorsi-flexed position for 60 min per day for 6 weeks in total.


  • The device stretched the calf muscles to an 8/10 pain rating- as perceived by each individual subject.


  • It was found that gastrocnemius muscle thickness increased by around 15% at the end of the 6 weeks, compared with 2% from the control group who did not use the brace.


  • These results support the idea that static stretching is an anabolic stimulus.



Applications to training:


  • These results help explain why training through a full range of motion (and partials when overloading a muscle in the lengthened range) often produces superior levels of muscle growth.


  • Therefore, focussing on overloading the muscle in the lengthened position may be superior for hypertrophy.





  • The body of evidence supporting this idea is still small, therefore more research into this would need to be done until this is a genuine, evidence supported application to training.

Load vs Rep Progression




Plotkin et. al. (2022) Progressive Overload Without Progressing the Load? The Effects of Load or Repetition Progression on Muscular Adaptations. PERJ.


Details of the Study:


  • Trainees performed the same lower-body workout 2x per week for 8 weeks, taking all sets to failure.


  • One group lifted within the 8-12 rep range and attempted to increase the load over time, still sticking to this rep range.


  • The other group also lifted within the 8-12 rep range initially. However they aimed to perform more reps overtime whilst maintaining the same load.




  • It was found that both groups saw increases in muscle thickness of all muscles measured, with no notable trends favouring either condition.


  • Furthermore, changes in lean mass of the legs were similar between groups.


  • This supports the main know drivers of hypertrophy are mechanical tension and metabolic stress are both great for hypertrophy.


Real World Application:

  • This study suggests that progression via load or reps results in similar outcomes, as long as the set is taken to failure. Therefore, if muscle growth is the aim then proximity to failure should be prioritized.


  • Once you know you can train to failure successfully and it comes the decision to either up the weight or increase reps. Exercise execution is vital for all lifts and movements it would be useful to hire a personal trainer to coach you on exercise execution.


  • A useful strategy would be to perform your compound more mid range movements with the progression of load and your isolation movements towards the shortened and lengthened ranges of the muscle towards higher rep ranges.

Benefits of a protein rich diet

When people think about high protein diets, the only thought that may come to mind are your typical huge men in the free weights section walking round with a shaker cup and a stringer top. However, the benefits of a high protein diet go way beyond aiding muscle growth. This article will explore several reasons why a high protein diet can be beneficial for everybody.


Firstly, having adequate protein intake will elevate muscle protein synthesis. The benefits of this do include muscle growth for those wanting hypertrophy.

However, it’s also particularly important for anyone over 35 years old. This is because once we reach 35 years old we experience sarcopenia. This can be defined as a natural loss of muscle mass by amount 1% per year. This can be combatted by adequate protein intake and regular resistance training. Starting a high protein diet and regular resistance training younger can have huge benefits in later life. Having a larger amount of muscle mass in old age can help someone keep their independence by allowing them walk without a zimmer frame, climb stairs without a stair lift, and go to the toilet unassisted by a carer. Furthermore, elevated levels of muscle protein synthesis are going to aid the recovery process of any form of physical activity. A common myth is that endurance athletes won’t massively benefit from a high protein diet. However, adequate protein intake helps recovery from all forms of exercise. This is because proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. Therefore, stimulating their production (muscle protein synthesis) is going to drastically enhance their recovery.


Another benefit of a high protein diet is for bone health. There’s a myth that high protein intake can lead to losses of calcium, and therefore bone density. However, this is not the case as high protein diets have actually been shown to increase bone density. This is going to have benefits to everyone. However, the two populations that will benefit most from this will be the elderly and athletes who participate in impact sports. The elderly is more prone to falls, this means having good bone density is going to be essential in ensuring any injury that is caused is not something which is going to be long term, and something that can contribute to a loss of independence for the rest of their life. This particularly holds true for breaks in the pelvis, as its common for elderly people to not fully recover from this, making walking painful. As a result, they only walk when they absolutely have to, drastically reducing their physical activity levels which, in turn, takes years off their life via accelerated decline of their cardiovascular health.


Alternatively, athletes who participate in impact sports are going to have to have bones that can withstand high levels of contact in order to stay injury free. The higher the level of competitor, the more important this will be as higher-level athletes will train more and therefore have to withstand impact more often. Furthermore, higher level athletes may also get paid for performing, meaning that any injury is going to affect their earnings throughout their career. However, if the athlete is already injured, a high protein diet can help accelerate the recovery of the injured tissue. Meaning, that a high protein diet has its place in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries in sport. It’s also suitable for an injured athlete to replace a given amount of carbohydrates with some more protein, as they will be training less so energy demand is lower.


A high protein diet is also essential for anyone trying to lose body fat. Firstly, due to its effects on muscle growth/retention mentioned above, which enhances fat loss in a calorie deficit. Secondly, it provides a higher level of satiety compared with the two other macronutrients (carbohydrates and fats). This will result in less cravings for snacks between meals, making it much easier to achieve a consistent calorie deficit on a daily basis. Lastly, digesting food requires the use of calories, this is called the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). Protein has a higher level of TEF compared with the two other macronutrients, providing a further benefit to help one achieve a calorie deficit.


Overall, I hope these reasons show you how a high protein diet can provide a whole host of benefits to anyone from any sub-section of the population, from the most sedentary of individuals right up to elite athletes. Also, from young children, right up to adults in their elderly years. The ideal way to ensure you are getting enough protein would be to base your meals around a varying your protein source. Some common examples would be eggs for breakfast, chicken for lunch and fish for tea. Each protein source is going to differ in calories so it’s important that you track protein alongside your caloric intake so that your nutrition is in line with your goals.


Coach Sam Joinson

An active combat sports athlete in Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Sam is a personal trainer who centres his practice around helping his clients move better, so they can feel better.


Sam has an expertise in biomechanics and has a great coaches eye when it comes to identifying discrepancies within movements and creating interventions.


He took up exercise in his youth as a way of managing anxiety and improving his body confidence and has been focused on the study of biomechanics, nutrition and psychology ever since, pushing his limits to try and achieve an excellent standard of physical performance and conditioning coaching for his personal training clients.


A recovering Scoliotic, Sam has dealt with a wide array of injuries as a result of compromised biomechanics and has used his practice to drastically reduce his symptoms and dysfunctions through a process of elimination.


Sam’s approach combines traditional weight lifting, movement training, breath work and concepts from psychology, anthology and sociology to achieve a holistic and balanced approach aimed at getting the most from his clients mental and physical development.