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Unlock Your Summer Body

As the days grow longer and the weather starts to improve, it’s time to shed those winter layers and prepare for the summer season so that you can be confident exposing your body. At Soma Fitness, we understand the desire to sculpt your body and feel your best for the upcoming holidays. Our holistic approach combines scientific principles with professional guidance to help you achieve your summer body goals effectively and sustainably.

Nutrition: The Cornerstone of Your Transformation

To kickstart your journey to a summer-ready physique, it’s essential to address your nutritional intake. Scientific studies consistently show that maintaining a moderate calorie deficit is crucial for weight loss [1]. At Soma Fitness, we advocate for a balanced approach, emphasising the importance of consuming adequate protein. Research suggests that protein intake between 1.8-2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight supports muscle growth and aids in appetite regulation [2]. 

  • Finding: This study looked at how our body manages energy and found that consuming fewer calories than we burn is essential for fat loss.
  • Explanation: Imagine your body as a bank account. If you withdraw more money (calories) than you deposit (consume), you’ll lose weight over time. This means being mindful of portion sizes and choosing nutrient-dense foods to support your weight loss goals. Tracking your intake is the best way to manage this.
  • Finding: Researchers found that consuming enough protein, around 1.8-2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight, helps with muscle growth and keeps you feeling full longer, making it easier to stick to your calorie goals.
  • Explanation: Protein is like the building blocks for your muscles. By including sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, and some plant-based proteins in your meals, you’re giving your body what it needs to repair and grow muscles, helping you achieve that toned look you’re after. Prioritise protein and hit your daily protein targets.


Resistance Training: The Key to Changing your Body Shape

While cardiovascular exercise is beneficial for overall health and longevity, resistance training holds the key to transforming your body composition. Contrary to common misconceptions, lifting weights won’t make you bulky – instead, it’s the secret to achieving a sculpted physique for both men and women [3]. Our personal trainers specialise in designing resistance training programs tailored to your goals, ensuring optimal muscle development. Our personal trainers will coach you to perform each exercise with correctly with the right intent with quality reps insuring that you get the most bank for your buck from eat set that you perform.

  • Finding: Contrary to common beliefs, lifting weights won’t make you bulky. Instead, it helps shape your body by increasing lean muscle mass, which gives you a toned appearance.
  • Explanation: Think of resistance training as sculpting clay. It helps define and shape your muscles, giving you that firm and athletic look. Plus, it boosts your metabolism, helping you burn more calories even at rest.

Optimising Sleep: The Unsung Hero of Fat Loss

In the pursuit of a summer body, don’t underestimate the power of quality sleep. Scientific evidence highlights the critical role of sleep in recovery, repair, and performance [4]. At Soma Fitness, we prioritise sleep optimisation strategies, including establishing consistent sleep routines and creating a conducive sleep environment. By prioritising restorative sleep, you’ll enhance your body’s ability to adapt to your training program and maximise results.

  • Finding: Quality sleep is crucial for your body to recover from exercise, repair tissues, and perform at its best.
  • Explanation: Sleep is like charging your phone. It rejuvenates your body and mind, so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. By prioritising sleep, you’re giving your body the time it needs to repair and grow stronger after workouts. It has also been shown that sleep deprivation can increase cravings which will hinder your progress.

Increasing Your Steps

As daylight extends, seize the opportunity to increase your daily step count and increase your vitamin D absorption. Research suggests that increasing physical activity, such as walking, contributes to overall calorie expenditure and vitamin D synthesis [5]. Get outdoors and boost your step count to support your summer body goals while enjoying the benefits of fresh air and sunlight.

  • Finding: Adding more movement to your day, such as walking, not only burns extra calories but also boosts your vitamin D levels.
  • Explanation: Walking is an easy and enjoyable way to stay active. It gets your blood flowing, helps clear your mind, and exposes you to sunlight, which is essential for vitamin D production. Aim for a daily stroll to support your fitness goals and soak in some sunshine. If you need small bouts consider a morning and evening walk, this will also help with your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep quality.

The journey to transform your body for summer requires a multifaceted approach supported by professional guidance. At Soma Fitness, we’re committed to helping you unlock your full potential and achieve the summer body you’ve always desired. Trust in our expertise, stay consistent, and let us guide you every step of the way.

Book a consultation with our personal training experts today, and let’s make this summer your best one yet!


  1. Hall, K. D., Heymsfield, S. B., Kemnitz, J. W., Klein, S., Schoeller, D. A., & Speakman, J. R. (2012). Energy balance and its components: implications for body weight regulation. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 95(4), 989-994.
  2. Phillips, S. M., & Van Loon, L. J. (2011). Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to optimum adaptation. Journal of sports sciences, 29(sup1), S29-S38.
  3. Schoenfeld, B. J., Peterson, M. D., Ogborn, D., Contreras, B., & Sonmez, G. T. (2015). Effects of low- vs. high-load resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy in well-trained men. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(10), 2954-2963.
  4. Fullagar, H. H., Skorski, S., Duffield, R., Hammes, D., Coutts, A. J., & Meyer, T. (2015). Sleep and athletic performance: the effects of sleep loss on exercise performance, and physiological and cognitive responses to exercise. Sports medicine, 45(2), 161-186.
  5. Dwyer, T., Ponsonby, A. L., Ukoumunne, O. C., Pezic, A., Venn, A., Dunstan, D., … & Jones, G. (2015). Association of change in daily step count over five years with insulin sensitivity and adiposity: population based cohort study. bmj, 351, h4188.

Getting Back on Track

As January fades into February, many of us find ourselves grappling with a familiar struggle: the decline of New Year’s resolutions. The initial burst of enthusiasm and motivation that accompanies the start of a new year often dissipates as the realities of everyday life set in. The kids are off school again, your work load picks up, the weather is dismal and dark and you would just rather stay at home with a hot chocolate rather than go out and perform some physical activity after work, or hit the snooze button in the morning and lay in a little longer.

So, why does this happen? More often than not, it boils down to a lack of structure and guidance. Many individuals embark on their fitness journey with lofty ambitions but without a clear plan of action. Without proper guidance, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or lose sight of our goals when faced with obstacles or setbacks.

As someone who understands this struggle all too well, particularly amidst the dark nights and gloomy weather of the UK, I’ve come to realise the importance of having a solid foundation to lean on. For me, that foundation consists of exercise, good nutrition, and a well-defined plan of action.

At Soma Fitness, we recognise that achieving your fitness goals requires more than just showing up to the gym. That’s why we offer comprehensive support tailored to your individual needs. Our approach goes beyond 1-1 training sessions; we provide structured nutrition plans, personalised training programs, and ongoing accountability through our dedicated app.

With our guidance, you’ll not only receive expert coaching during your gym sessions but also gain the knowledge and tools necessary to continue your progress outside of our facility. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall fitness, we’re here to provide the support and guidance you need to succeed.

Don’t let the January/February blues derail your fitness journey. Take control of your goals and invest in the structure and guidance you need to succeed. Together, we’ll navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories, one step at a time.

Ready to reclaim your motivation and crush your fitness goals? Join us at Soma Fitness, where we’re committed to helping you thrive, both inside and outside of the gym. Schedule your free consultation today and let’s embark on this journey together.


5 Common Obstacles Stopping You From Achieving Your Fitness and Health Goals


As a personal trainer, I’ve helped hundreds of people achieve their fitness and health goals. I’ve also seen first hand what can psychologically stop people from reaching their goals. Here are the top 5 things that I see holding people back:


  1. Quitting too easily. This is one of the biggest obstacles to achieving any goal. When you start a new fitness program, it’s important to be patient and persistent. You are likely learning new skills and habits which can take a duration of time to adjust to. Don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately. It takes time and effort to make lasting changes. Just like safe investing it takes time and patience to see your investments grow.
  2. Not valuing your health enough. Many people don’t make their health a priority. They put it off until they have a health scare, but by then it may be too late. Make your health a priority today and you’ll be glad you did later. You can buy all the material items in the world but we cannot buy our health, it’s priceless and it’s important that we value it and place it at the top of our priority.
  3. Fear of failure. Everyone fails at some point. It’s how we learn and grow. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from achieving your fitness goals. Just pick yourself up and keep going. As a personal trainer it’s our job to identify the areas that may make us stumble and come up with a strategy together to negate that from occurring in the future. Health and fitness is a journey that no man or woman should a shy away from.
  4. Not having enough time. This is a common excuse, but it’s not always true. You can find time for fitness if you make it a priority. There are many ways to fit exercise into your busy schedule. Organising your diary to fit in some exercise each week, treating each training session like an important non negotiable meeting. The best time for you to train is when you can fit it into your diary weather it’s early mornings, on your lunch break or in the evenings after work, get it done!
  5. Not being able to give up on bad habits. This is a tough one, but it’s essential if you want to achieve your fitness goals. Bad habits like smoking, excessive drinking, and eating unhealthy foods can sabotage your progress. Make a plan to break these habits and stick to it. Breaking a habit can be hard but it’s not impossible. We’ve seen many individuals break lifelong addictions for the benefit of their long term health. There is a saying that one of our clients has up on his gym wall; “Hard Choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.” Everything we do will take some effort but need to put our effort and energy into areas that will elevate our health and well being.


If you’re struggling to achieve your fitness and health goals, the most important thing to do is to not give up. Identify the obstacles that are holding you back write them down and actively start working on steps on how you can overcome them. Our personal trainers here at Soma can help guide you through this.


Here are some additional tips for overcoming the obstacles to fitness and health:

  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with small, achievable goals and gradually build up from there.
  • Find a support system. Having people to support you on your journey can make a big difference. Find a workout buddy, hire a personal trainer, join a fitness class, or talk to your friends and family about your goals. Strength in numbers!
  • Make it fun. If you’re not enjoying yourself, you’re less likely to stick with it. Find activities that you enjoy and that challenge you.
  • Don’t give up. There will be setbacks along the way, this is part of the process, don’t let them discourage you. Just pick yourself up and keep going.


Achieving your fitness and health goals takes time, effort, and dedication. But it’s worth it. When you are actively taking steps toward your goals, you’ll feel better physically and mentally. You’ll have more energy, you’ll sleep better, and you’ll be more confident. So don’t give up on your goals don’t wait till tomorrow start now!!!



Our Expectations From Our Coaching Clients

Speaking on behalf of all professional personal trainers, we become personal trainers because we are dedicated to guiding individuals towards their goal. Nothing gives us a more rewarding feeling than seeing someone change in their health, habits and body. I believe it’s essential for both client and coach to have a clear understanding of what we can expect from each other. This article aims to illuminate what I, as a personal trainer, anticipate from you as my valued client, and what you can anticipate from me as a coach in return.


What I Expect From You, My Valued Client:


  1. Wholehearted Commitment: Just as I’m invested in tailoring a fitness plan that suits your needs, I expect you to be wholeheartedly committed to the journey. Your consistent presence during sessions and your dedication to putting in the required effort are crucial for achieving your goals.
  2. Transparent Communication: Your fitness journey is a collaborative effort, and open communication is at its so important. Share your fitness history, preferences, and any concerns openly with me. This information helps me create a plan that’s not only effective but also aligned with your capabilities as an individual and goals. This also allows me to adjust anything along the way.
  3. Eagerness to Learn: Fitness isn’t just about getting a good workout in; it’s about understanding the principles behind each exercise, learning about proper form, each exercise is a skill and grasping the significance of nutrition. Your willingness to learn gives you the knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and embrace a healthier lifestyle.
  4. Trust in the Process: Sometimes the journey might not seem straightforward, and results may not be immediate. I urge you to trust in the process and the plan we’ve crafted. With dedication and consistency, you will see progress and positive changes over time.
  5. Dedication and Perseverance: We design workouts to challenge you, to help you discover your strengths, and to push your limits. I expect you to give your best effort during our sessions and to persevere even when facing tough moments. Your commitment directly influences your progress. Some days you won’t feel like training, and that’s ok I have those days also, you can still come in and do your best just let your coach know the status on how you are feeling.

What You Can Expect From us as Your Personal Trainer:

  1. Personalised Guidance: Your goals and you are unique, and so should be your fitness plan. We will provide you with personalised guidance that takes into account your goals, fitness level based on an assessment that we have taken you through, and any limitations you might have. Any professional coach worth his salt will never throw a cookie cutter program at a client. A professional coach will assess first then design a program and a strategy tailored toward you as an individual.  
  2. Support system: You coach is here to encourage you, celebrate your successes, guide you and to provide a support system during the more challenging times. Your victories are mine as well, and I’m committed to helping you stay inspired throughout your journey. There’s nothing more that we want than to see you succeed and be a stronger healthier version of you!
  3. Expertise and Knowledge: As your personal trainer, We are dedicated to continuously upgrading our knowledge to provide you with the best guidance. Expect high quality control on all exercises, nutritional strategies that work for you and your lifestyle, and full support outside of sessions.
  4. Adaptability: Life is unpredictable, and circumstances might change. We are prepared to adapt your fitness plan when needed, whether due to shifts in your goals, injuries, lifestyle stress or any challenges that may arise.
  5. Positive Environment: Our training sessions will be conducted in a positive, non-judgmental environment that encourages progression, growth and self-improvement. We are here to listen, to address your concerns, and to make our sessions enjoyable yet productive.
  6. Progress Tracking: I will help you track your progress, providing insights into how far you’ve come. Regular assessments/check ins will guide our journey and enable us to make any necessary adjustments for optimal results. The fitness journey is ongoing and there is no end, we all need to keep ourselves strong and fit throughout our lifetime, as we embark the journey of life our fitness journey may also change along the way, as your coach we are here to help you every step of the way.

The journey together as personal trainer and client is built on a foundation of shared expectations. By understanding and respecting what each of us brings to this partnership, we can create an environment that fosters growth, transformation, and achievement.

I have been fortunate to personally coach individuals for over a decade and take them through many stages of their lives it’s a huge honour to have been part of many journeys and the best thing about it is building lifelong relationships and friendships built on trust. 



Personal Training Client | Testimonial | John Haynes

Discover the Remarkable Personal Training Journey of John Haynes at Soma Fitness

At Soma, we believe that the path to a stronger, healthier life is one filled with determination and dedication. Meet John Haynes, one of our long standing personal training clients, an embodiment of these principles, whose inspiring testimonial showcases the transformative power of consistent effort and resilience.

Over the course of 12 transformative years at Soma, John’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Confronted with ongoing hip issues and a prognosis for a hip replacement 17 years ago, John refused to be defined by limitations. Through his commitment to his fitness journey, he not only managed to overcome his hip challenges but also emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before.

John’s story is a testament to the fact that age is no barrier to achieving remarkable physical feats. His relentless pursuit of a strong body has positioned him among the most vibrant and youthful members of our gym community. His determination has granted him a level of strength that rivals even the youngest gym enthusiasts.

Join us in celebrating John’s exceptional journey as a shining example of how consistent effort, dedication, and the guidance of Soma’s expert personal trainers can transform lives. At Soma Fitness, we understand that fitness is a lifelong endeavour, and John’s story embodies the spirit of continuous growth and empowerment.

Explore our comprehensive fitness programs and experience first-hand the Soma difference. Embark on a journey that redefines your potential and propels you towards a lifetime of strength, vitality, and well-being.

Begin Your Personal Training Journey with Soma Fitness Today:


The Importance of Hydration

Water intake is often underestimated in its significance to our overall well-being. Beyond quenching your thirst, staying adequately hydrated has an array of benefits that extend to various aspects of your health, performance, and vitality. Working with our personal training clients it’s a frequent area that are required to address and we most commonly do so with hydration targets to apply some structure to an individual’s hydration habits.


The Foundation of Vital Functions


Your body is a complex symphony of processes that require the right conditions to perform optimally. Water plays a central role in maintaining these conditions. From regulating body temperature to aiding in joint lubrication, water is essential for preventing infections, delivering nutrients to cells, and ensuring your organs function correctly.


Physical Performance Potential


Whether you’re an individual interested in optimal health and well being or a dedicated athlete, staying hydrated is paramount for peak physical performance. During intense exercise or when facing high temperatures, your body’s demand for water intensifies. Dehydration, even as low as 2% of your body weight, can significantly impact your performance, altering body temperature regulation, motivation levels, and increasing fatigue. Athletes, in particular, can lose up to 6-10% of their body weight in water through sweat, further emphasising the necessity of optimal hydration.


Enhancing Mental Clarity and Mood


It’s not just your body that benefits from proper hydration – your brain relies on it also. Even mild dehydration, as little as 1-3% body weight loss, can impair various aspects of brain function. Studies reveal that fluid loss affects mood, concentration, and cognitive abilities. Working memory, anxiety levels, and fatigue are all areas that can be negatively impacted by inadequate hydration. By keeping your hydration levels in check, you’re giving your brain the environment it needs to stay sharp and focused.


The Battle Against Headaches and Migraines


Dehydration and headaches often go hand in hand. Scientific research indicates that dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines, with a direct correlation between headache frequency and hydration status. Drinking water has been shown to alleviate headache symptoms and improve the quality of life for those who suffer from migraines. Tip: Adding 1/4 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt to your water can increase the absorbency of the water that you consume, often times individuals that may drink enough water but struggle to absorb it into the body. We may cover this topic in further detail at a later date.


Aiding Digestion and Preventing Constipation


Your digestive system requires proper hydration to function smoothly. Insufficient water intake can lead to constipation, causing discomfort and disruption in your daily life. Increasing fluid intake, particularly water rich in minerals like magnesium and sodium, can help improve bowel movement frequency and consistency, aiding in the relief of constipation.


Guarding Against Kidney Stones


For those who have experienced the excruciating pain of kidney stones, prevention is key. Adequate water intake can help reduce the risk of forming kidney stones. By diluting the concentration of minerals in the urine, water makes it less likely for these crystals to clump together and cause discomfort. The evidence suggests that hydration plays a role in kidney stone prevention.


Weight Loss Potential


For those on a weight loss journey, hydration can be a valuable ally. Drinking water before meals can increase satiety and boost your metabolic rate, helping you consume fewer calories and potentially aiding in weight loss. The common question we ask our personal training clients who get hungry while in a calorie defect, “are you hungry or are you thirsty?” Timing is crucial – consuming water half an hour before meals has been shown to be particularly effective in curbing appetite and supporting weight loss efforts.


It’s not just about quenching your thirst; it’s about optimising your body and mind to reach their full potential. By staying mindful of your fluid intake and making hydration a priority, you’re investing in a healthier, more vibrant you.



Adherence – WHATS YOUR WHY?

Dedication vs Motivation


Adherence to any program or plan is the number 1 factor that will determine success to reach a particular goal or failure where you quit prior to achieving it or even getting close to it.


Don’t make excuses find solutions!


In any pursuit of getting to a certain goal consistency is king, if you are not consistently putting in the effort for the most amount of the time you will be taking 1 step forward and 3 steps back rather than the opposite.


Motivation will fail you, when emotions get in the way when your not in a good mood, your stressed sad, overwhelmed. Motivation will seize you’ll quit or have a day off that turns into a weeks to a month off.


Dedication is something that you will do regardless of your circumstances, regardless if your stressed, tired, overwhelmed and regardless if your not in a good emotional state. You’ll always find a way regardless of the situation.


If your just motivated you will find any little excuse to stop yourself from doing the things that you need to do. When we are dedicated we will find a solution you’ll adapt to get what you need get done to progress.


That’s why it’s important to identify your Why, your why is an emotional thing which can change and progress or can remain the same through the course of your journey.


It’s really important that we really think about this and put some focus into it as we can use it to remain dedicated when things will get in the way of our progress and progression and having that awareness as we navigate through our journey on how it may change or progress.


Be attached to your why, write it down put it on your notes in your phone and review it periodically. When your making excuses to yourself read it out 10 times and you will see how your focus /mindset will change.


We have to set our self’s up for success we are living in a more stressful environment at present and each individuals allostatic load is much higher which means we are required to acknowledge all of these things that may happen along the way over the course of the month and year and say to yourself your reactions to these stimuli that may raise your emotions will be X or Y. For example I will not drink a bottle of wine when X happens at work. I will do a workout and do 10 mins of deep breathing and meditation, or I will book myself a massage so I can release the tension from my body. Often times it’s not the stimulus but our reaction to the stimulus how we perceive it and react to it.


Let’s look at examples of what someone’s WHY may look like?


  • I want to be fit and healthy for when I have children.
  • I want to be able to keep up with my Grandchildren.
  • want to be a good role model to my children so they can see me focusing on good habits toward my health eating good foods and exercising regularly.
  • I want to be mobile and active when I reach and elderly age.
  • I like to look good for my husband/wife/partner and myself.
  • I want to look good for my clients so they believe in what I advise them to do (as a coach you are your own business card).
  • I like feel good cognitively which by creating healthier lifestyle habits allows me to feel this way. (exercises has a positive impact on mental health).
  • I want to be healthy enough to continue to do the hobbies/sports I love.


Make note of yours, focus and review it regularly, use it as your fuel to keep your dedicated on becoming the healthiest and strongest version of yourself.


A good physique, health and vitality is created by consistent habits that will require a consistent dedicated approach. As coaches and personal trainers we help individuals navigate through this process and keep you accountable to your WHY!



Staying on track over Christmas

With Christmas only 6 weeks away, celebrations are fast approaching. Most people will spend their time going out more and enjoying themselves and as Christmas only comes around once every year it’s important we all enjoy ourselves. However, the last thing people will want to do is to undo the hard work they have done in the gym and leave themselves with an uphill battle to climb when January comes around. Therefore, this article will go into ways in which you can still derive all the enjoyment from Christmas festivities, without derailing the progress you have made towards your fitness goals.


Firstly, you need to establish the mind-set you are going to adopt. Broadly speaking, there’s three to choose from. Firstly, there’s the athlete’s mind-set whereby you don’t derail from your diet or training regime at all. On paper, this is the best approach everyone. However, in practicality, the majority of people will not be able to adopt this approach because of the increased amount of socialising that Christmas brings which limits time being spent in the gym, as well as not having access to the foods on their meal plan.


On the other end of the spectrum, many will choose to completely drop fitness as a priority and choose to enjoy themselves by any means necessary. Although this is the more fun approach in the moment, it can leave people feeling really down about losing their way when January come around.


The third approach, is to enjoy yourself whilst making small adjustments to your Christmas plans in order to not regress over the next couple of months. What this approach looks like will differ between individual’s due to the varying levels of sacrifice people are willing to make in order to stay in shape over Christmas. Below we will discuss ways in which you can alter your plans to suit your fitness goals. The extent to which you apply these to your lives will be dependent on the amount of sacrifice you see as sustainable and enjoyable for yourself.


The first alteration we can make is with nutrition. With many people indulging in high calorie, low nutrient based foods over Christmas, the first thing you should have in mind is to still prioritise protein in each meal. This will help you maintain muscle mass, as well as making you feel full, to help prevent overeating on that box of Celebrations lying around. What this looks like in practice is sorting the protein source in each meal out first. For example, when Christmas dinner comes, fill half your plate with a portion of turkey leaving less space to fill up on the extras such as roast potatoes, stuffing and Yorkshire pudding. This ensures adequate protein is being taken in, whilst still being able to enjoy the other parts of Christmas dinner with less chance of over consumption due to less space on the plate.


Next, we can opt for lower calorie options of certain foods and drinks. For this we need to identify the calorie dense items of food and drink and make switches which you are happy to settle for. For example, you may find yourself going out drinking more over the Christmas period. A typical alcoholic drink for winter is Bailey’s and the number of calories in a 250ml glass of this is 437kcal. This is over 4 times the number of calories found in a single gin and tonic (96kcal). Although this is an extreme comparison, even consuming 100-200kcal less with each drink can be the deciding factor on keeping your calories near maintenance when having multiple drinks in one sitting. The same can be done for food. If you wish to indulge in ice cream as a Christmas treat, 460ml of Haagen Dazs salted caramel is 1309kcal whereas Halo salted caramel of the same size works is just 320kcal, a 1000kcal saving on snacks which are essentially identical.


Planning ahead with your training is also going to be key. It’s normal to not be able to maintain 3+ sessions a week if you are travelling and with family in other parts of the country. However, training a muscle group just 5 working sets per week will maintain the size of the muscle for an extended period of time. Therefore, if you can find it in your schedule to fit this in, then that is going to go a long way in terms of maintaining your progress and prevent the consequences of ceasing to train altogether such as losses in muscle mass and strength.


Finally, many of us will cease work for 1-2 weeks over Christmas. Therefore, planning to use some of this added time with physical activity with family can significantly help increase one’s energy expenditure for the day. For instance, choosing to go out on a long walk in the countryside during the day instead of sitting down inside is a hugely positive action to take. This will also make it a lot easier to transition back into regular training, should you have to stop training due to travelling or other social events over the festive period.


In conclusion, I hope that the several lifestyle tweaks discussed in this article have given insight into how small changes can produce big results in ensuring that you start January in a really good place with your fitness whilst still being able to enjoy Christmas the way you want to. If you are hiring a personal trainer it might be worth sitting down together to plan your Christmas strategy so you can hit the ground running come January.

Short vs Long rest periods for Muscle Growth

Reference: Schoenfield et. al. (2016) Longer Interset Rest Periods Enhance Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Resistance Trained Men.


Information on the study:


  • Trainees with at least 6 months resistance training experience were split into 2 groups


  • Both groups performed 7 compound lifts, for 3 sets of 8-12 reps, 3x per week, for 8 weeks


  • 1 group rested for 1 minute between sets, while the other rested for 3 minutes between sets



  • It was found that the longer rest group saw superior gains in all muscle groups when compared to the shorter rest group.


  • This supports the idea that longer rest periods are superior for hypertrophy



Application to real world:

  • With longer rest periods come longer overall sessions durations, unless you cut overall volume.
  • Overall volume has been shown to be a significant factor in muscle hypertrophy
  • Therefore, it may be worth only applying these long rest periods if you have the extra time free in your schedule to allow you to do so.

Is scale weight an accurate way to track progress?

When people embark on a fitness journey, whether that be to lose body fat or gain muscle mass, the common tool to track their progress people use is how much the number on the scales changes over time. However, is this the most accurate way to track progress towards body composition goals? Just like most questions relating to health and fitness, the answer is- it depends.


The first thing to remember is that scale weight is the total weight of all the tissues in your body and not just muscle and fat. Therefore, it is not the most accurate measurement when it comes to measuring body composition. Other methods include skin fold callipers, a cheap tool which measures body fat percentage. However, despite its low cost, the skill needed to take an accurate measurement makes this a fairly inaccessible method of measuring body composition. The gold standard of body composition measurement in a DEXA Scanner. Although, this is a very expensive piece of equipment, only really seen in medical facilities due to its use in also identifying bone density and helping diagnose patients with osteoporosis. Due to other methods being inaccessible, scales are by far the most common tool used by the general population to assess progress in their body composition goals, so what can be done to ensure you are getting the most reliable and accurate changes to body fat and muscle as you can with scales?


Any tool is only effective when you know how to use it and scales are no different. Weighing yourself on Monday at 7am and then again on Sunday at 8pm will not give an accurate measurement for how your weight has changed over the course of the week, due to factors that will be discussed in this article. Therefore, if you are to use scales accurately, I would recommend taking daily measurements, first thing in the morning each day and then calculating the mean average each week and compare each week’s average from the last, to get a more accurate measurement of how much your weight is changing due to changes to fat or muscle tissue.


So, what factors can influence the weight on the scales besides from muscle and fat tissue? Firstly, there’s water retention. The amount of water our bodies hold will hold will change throughout the day, as well as day by day. Reasons for this include carbohydrate and sodium intake, which cause our bodies to hold more water- not add on fat tissue (a common misconception in, the case of carbohydrates, spread by the misinformed and keto zealots). Therefore, if your diet is more heavily carbohydrate based for a few days, then you may add some weight. However, this will be due to the added water retention from an increased intake of carbohydrates, not an added amount of fat tissue.


Next, there’s the amount of food you are currently digesting. First thing in the morning, is when you have the least food in your digestive system as it will have been 9-10 hours since your last meal. Therefore, food being digested cannot influence your scale weight, unlike if you weighed yourself shortly after a meal.


Besides from keeping these variables at bay, what else can be done to improve the reliability and accuracy of scales measuring body composition? Firstly, you could also use a measuring tape and measure your Hip to Waist Ratio. This is productive because most people hold the majority of fat around their Waist area. Therefore, if you are trying to gain muscle mass and you put yourself in a calorie surplus and put on weight, you may believe you are getting closer to your goal. However, if you take measurements are realise your Waist measurement is increasing at a faster rate than your Hips, then this indicates you are putting on fat faster than muscle mass. This information can then lead to you making productive changes to your training and/or nutrition.


Next, it’s important to ensure you are setting yourself up for success. One way to do this is to ensure you are consuming enough protein and tracking it. Ensuring adequate protein intake with a suitable resistance training programme and sleep will ensure that any weight loss will not be due to loss of muscle mass. Alternatively, when gaining muscle, will ensure you are adding as much muscle mass as you can in the calorie surplus you are in.


In conclusion, scales are far from perfect when it comes to measuring body composition goals. However, with the correct information, it can be a very useful tool to help you stay on track when pursuing your goals.